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  • September 01, 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WSASP recognizes that September is National Suicide Prevention Month. We have identified the following resources to help members learn more about this as well as to share with your school communities:

  • March 21, 2023 12:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is collaborating with the Washington State Association of School Psychologists (WSASP) as well as the Washington School Counselors Association (WSCA) and the School Nurse Organization of Washington (SNOW) on guidance pertaining to the coordination of 504 plans following the statewide implementation of the ASCA model for school counselors. This implementation precludes school counselors from coordinating 504 plans, particularly the clerical duties associated with the work. OSPI has already made statements that the nature of this recommendation indicates that this work is equally inappropriate for other education staff associates (ESAs), whose skills and qualifications are best  utilized in non-clerical duties.

    WSASP has been made aware of concerns from our members that school administrators may transfer work from school counselors to school psychologists or other ESAs. We believe that all ESAsare trained to provide specialized services to our students. We are working with OSPI on guidance to support appropriate implementation of changing responsibilities, which we hope will clearly indicate that no ESA should be assigned to clerical duties associated with 504 plans. This guidance should be released this fall, but we wanted to issue a statement about this work to keep our membership informed.

    We have confirmed with Dr. Tania May at OSPI that staff who are paid fully from categorical special education dollars cannot be assigned to coordinate 504 plans, as this is not part of IDEA. For those who are funded in this way, this is one point you may leverage in your advocacy work if you are being impacted by the policy change. We are sharing the WSASP Advocacy Tool Kit which is filled with information to help guide local advocacy efforts that may parallel the state level advocacy we are engaged in with OSPI. We must remember that OSPI will offer guidance, not mandates, and that we are a local control state. This may result in the need for local advocacy, for which these tools can support your work.

    Please contact with any questions.
  • February 16, 2023 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As previously acknowledged by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the Washington State Association of School Psychologists (WSASP) condemns, on the strongest possible terms, the totally unacceptable and harmful incident that occurred on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, in the Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center. This extremely disturbing event directly affected NASP President Dr. Celeste Malone, her friends, colleagues, and family, and by extension the Black community and our own membership. 

    We recognize that Hyatt staff have been meeting with Dr. Malone and issued a formal apology. We support the requests from NASP and ask that the Hyatt follows through on its promises. Click here to read the letter sent to Hyatt corporate staff by WSASP President Carrie Suchy. 

  • October 24, 2022 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Every three years, WSASP conducts a 'reevaluation' of the state of school psychology in Washington state. We are the only organization to collect and analyze detailed information about the role of school psychologists in Washington. The information provided supports advocacy efforts at the district, state, and federal levels. Click here to access census results and key takeaways.

    For the 2022 Census, over 2,500 pre-established WSASP contacts received a link to complete the survey. 488 recipients completed the survey, a 20% increase from the number of respondents in 2019! More than half of our respondents reported being within their first 10 years of practice. The school psychologist population in Washington continues to be overwhelmingly female (74%) and white (approximately 83%), but this year’s data set has diversified somewhat compared to 2019 results.

    Our results reflect a school psychologist role heavily burdened by assessment, report writing, and other clerical tasks that prevent the provision of direct services to children. Census data shows that less than 40% of respondents are actively engaged with data, systems, or practices within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) in their role. Those who are engaged participate most with data processes and least with practice and implementation.

  • May 26, 2022 1:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A new student counseling service through the Central Washington University Psychology department has been providing much-needed support for nine Kittitas County youths this spring, supplying free mental health services that weren’t otherwise available to them.

    Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Olivia Holter, CWU School Psychology graduate students have been able to offer solutions-based counseling to kids ages 8-17 based on their individual needs. Each child has participated in six to eight sessions over the past two months, and Holter says the program has produced valuable results, for both the clients and graduate students.

    “I’m incredibly proud of the work we are doing because we are making a difference in the lives of kids in our community,” she said. “The pandemic has had a large impact on the social and mental well-being of kids, and this service has the potential to help a community that historically doesn’t have enough providers.”

    Click here to learn more.

  • May 25, 2022 9:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our hearts are heavy following the tremendous loss of life yesterday at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas. This massacre follows other acts of gun violence in Buffalo, NY, and an increase in gun violence in many of our communities around the state. We send this email on the two-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota. 

    High profile acts of violence, particularly in schools, can confuse and frighten children who may feel in danger or worry that their friends or loved ones are at risk. They will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. Parents and school personnel can help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and talking with them about their fears. 

    Resources for Supporting Students:

    It is also critical that educators - including school psychologists - continue to practice critical self care. Following a crisis, teachers are often required to provide additional support to the students in their classes. In addition, crisis responders and mental health professionals are tasked with providing crisis intervention and additional mental health support to the school community following a crisis event. Consequently, it is extremely important for caregivers to monitor their own reactions and take care of their own needs as failure to do so can result in stress and burnout. 

    Resources for Supporting Educators and Self Care:

    If you are in need of additional support or resources, please reach out to WSASP.


    Cassie Mulivrana, WSASP President
    Alex Franks-Thomas, WSASP Immediate Past President, Communications Committee Co-Chair
    Sherri Bentley, WSASP Mental Health Committee Co-Chair
    Mikael Olson, WSASP Communications Committee Co-Chair, Area 1C Co-Representative 

  • May 06, 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Elections closed on April 29th. Members voted for President-Elect, Treasurer, and Area Representatives for even-numbered areas. Elected positions will begin July 1, 2022.

    President Elect: Mikael Olson, Issaquah School District
    Treasurer: Arick Branen, Tacoma Public Schools
    Area 1B: Larry Ruble, Lake Stevens School District
    Area 1D: Sarah Daley, Federal Way Public Schools; Krista Helbing, Kent School District
    Area 2: Apryl Yearout, Soap Lake School District
    Area 4: Unfilled
    Area 6: Sara Allen, Yakima School District; Tricia Parker
    Area 8: Kayleen Campbell, Spokane Public Schools; Franklin Day, Cheney School District
    Area 10: Mary Bauer, Kennewick School District; Lore'K Garafola, Riverside Publishing

    Thank you to everyone who participated, and who has served on the WSASP Board! 

  • April 28, 2022 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WSASP has signed on to a letter to Congress requesting $1 billion to support new competitions of the Mental Health Service Professionals Demonstration Grant and the School Based Mental Health Services Grant in FY23.  These two funding streams support efforts to address workforce shortages of school employed mental health professionals and increase access to comprehensive school mental health services across the country. These services are needed now more than ever and these grants are supporting amazing work to increase access to school psychologists!

    Original signers include the American Psychological Association, American School Counselor Association, Mental Health America, National Association of School Psychologists, Sandy Hook Promise, and the School Social Work Association of America.

    Click here to view the letter.

  • March 11, 2022 11:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WSASP is seeking nominations for the 2022 elections! This election cycle, WSASP members will be voting for the positions of President-Elect, Treasurer, and Area Representatives for even-numbered areas (1B, 1D, 2, 4 , 6, 8, 10).

    Current members are eligible to self-nominate for the position of Treasurer and area representative. Candidates for President-Elect are nominated by Executive Board members. Candidates for President-Elect must have served as an Area Representative or Committee Chair for the past three consecutive years.

    Click here to watch a video from Past-President Alex Franks-Thomas and President Cassie Mulivrana explaining the roles of different leadership positions within WSASP, including positions up for election this year as well as committee participation.

    Click here to submit a nomination statement for yourself or a colleague. Nominations are due on April 13, 2022, and ballots will be sent out on April 15, 2022. Elections will close April 29, 2022 and results announced April 30, 2022

    To learn more about leadership opportunities in WSASP, please click below to register for one of our information sessions. After you register, you will receive an email with information about joining the meeting.

  • February 28, 2022 8:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Current events unfolding in Ukraine may have a direct impact on many of our communities in Washington State, including students and families who have direct ties to Ukraine and Russia, as well as military-connected students and families. They can experience violence and loss directly, be exposed through extensive media and internet coverage, deal with the stress of parents who are deployed, or have relatives displaced by violence or oppression and become refugees. 

    Children’s natural resilience plays an important protective role, but trauma and extreme stress and anxiety can interfere with their learning and well-being. Families and educators can support children by establishing a sense of safety and security, helping them to process their thoughts and feelings, reinforcing their resilience and strengths, building positive connections within the school community, placing events in the proper context, and providing any needed mental health support.

    WSASP recommends the following resources to support students, families, and communities who may be impacted by these recent events:

    If you are in need of professional support or guidance, please reach out to WSASP by emailing

Washington State Association of School Psychologists
816 W. Francis Ave #214
Spokane, WA 99205

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