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Anna Casey
I grew up and went to grad school in the SF Bay Area, but I’ve been working as a school psychologist in Washington since my first year in 2015. I attended my first WSASP Fall Conference in 2018, began participating in WSASP’s GPR committee in 2019, became an Area 1A rep in 2020, and began to co-chair the GPR committee in 2021. Currently, I’m excited to leave co-chairing behind and work with the presidents group on projects designed to increase the number and diversity of school psychologists in Washington state. If you’re interested in getting involved in WSASP, or have ideas you want to share, please get in touch!
President Elect Kristin Schuster, Ed.S. NCSP Kristin holds her NCSP and has worked in the Tacoma School District since 2018 after graduating from the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities. She has spent the last three years on the WSASP board as an area representative, chair for the retention and recruitment (R&R) committee, and member of the professional development committee. Her advocacy efforts have focused on expanding the school psychologist workforce through national recruitment, promoting diversity within our state's graduate programs, and standardizing intern hiring practices to foster personal and professional growth in our field. She takes pride in organizing and moderating various events that highlight excellence within the association and educational communities. With a strong emphasis on empathy and collaboration, she is dedicated to driving continued success and impact in school psychology throughout Washington.
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Past President
Mikael Olson, Ed.S. NCSP I am a Nationally Certified School Psychologist working in the Issaquah School District, where I have been working as a school psychologist across programs and levels for the past 18 years. I graduated from Seattle University dually certified as a school psychologist and school counselor. I currently serve as the Equity Coach for our district's special education department, supporting and coaching school psychologists in social justice advocacy and culturally responsive professional practices, as well as collaborating and consulting with teams throughout the district in response to our disproportionality and movement towards an MTSS model. I have previously served as the Team Lead for our school psychologist group for six years, supervised interns, mentored early career professionals, and served our school psychologists as a representative in the Issaquah Education Association. Alongside my work in the district, I have been an active member of WSASP beginning in 2018 as an Area 1C Co-Representative and member of the Communications and GPR Committees. I have been the Communications Committee Co-Chair since 2019 and am a member of the Social Justice Task Force. I received the Best Practices in Supervision Award in 2018.
Assessment Committee Chair
Leayh Abel
After having worked for 4 years as a school psych in southern Washington, I am now working on my doctoral degree at the University of Washington. I love to focus on bridging elements of research with the demands and practical needs when 'in the field'.
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Clock Hour Chair
Amanda Fleck
My name is Amanda and I am the Clock Hour Chair for WSASP. I took over this position in the 2019-2020 school year from Susan Ruby. I am a practicing school psychologist in the Ridgefield School District and spent several years in the Longview School District prior to here.
Communications Committee Co-Chair, Prior Written Notice Editor
Alex Franks-Thomas
Alex is in her tenth year of practice as a school psychologist. She has previously served on the WSASP Executive Board as an area representative and past-president (2020-2021). In addition to her role on the WSASP Executive Board, Alex currently serves as the co-chair of the NASP Communications Committee.
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Ethics and Professional Practices Michael W. Kirlin School Psychologist, Tacoma Public Schools, currently serving as a school psychologist in Washington State for 35 years.
Mental Health Co-Chair, Area 2 Co-Rep
Apryl Yeaorut
I am an eastern Washington native, mother of 2, lover of books, and player of roller derby! My professional interests are in behavior and systems change. I'm looking forward to another year on the WSASP board serving psychs in our area. Let me know how I can best support you!
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Professional Development Co-Chair
Tracy Pennington
Tracy has practiced school psychology in Washington state for 28 years. She has served in various roles for WSASP including being an area rep, participating on various committees, and holding office as president-elect, president, and past president. Currently, Tracy co-chairs the professional development committee. Tracy has also taken opportunities to serve on the UW PEAB, as well as on some work groups for OSPI. At the district level, Tracy has served on the psych leadership team, routinely supervises interns and mentors new psychologists. She enjoys getting involved with district initiatives aimed at promoting student mental health. In 2013, Tracy wrote her dissertation on the need to conduct social emotional universal screening and she is thrilled that this need is finally being discussed and, in some places, implemented in the state of Washington.
Retention and Recruitment Co-Chair
Cassie Mulivrana
Cassie Mulivrana has been practicing as a school psychologist in Washington state for 16+ years and has served on the wsasp board since 2017 in various roles including Area Representative, Assessment Committee Chair, President and Retention & Recruitment Chair.
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Retention and Recruitment Co-Chair, Area 9 Co-Rep
Kristin Schuster
This is my 6th year working as a school psychologist in Washington. I received my graduate training in Minnesota and have also worked in schools in California and Wisconsin. My passions are preventative services, inclusion, and animal assisted intervention. I work in partnership with my facility dog, Major, to support the needs of students and staff in my buildings!
Kate Salveson
I am a dedicated practicing School Psychologist in the Northshore School District and an Adjunct Faculty Member at the University of Washington, teaching graduate students and providing comprehensive services to diverse students. As the Secretary of the Washington State Association of School Psychologists, I am recognized for my advocacy work through the Outstanding Advocate Awards in 2021 and 2022. I am passionate about fostering positive learning environments, promoting equitable access to education, and empowering students.
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Arick Branen
Prior to becoming a school psychologist I was owner/ operator of a family owned pizza restaurant in Moscow Idaho. I did this for 13 years, then sold it and went to graduate school. I am now in my 14th year as a school psych. Restaurants have very slim margins, so I became really good at budgeting. This experience made me interested in assuming the treasurer role in 2013.
Don't know which WSASP area you are in?
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Area Representatives
- Area 1A VACANT
- Area 1B Larry Ruble & Stephen Griego
- Area 1C Marina Ganotra & Madeline McGregor
- Area 1D Daisha Cannon & Krista Helbing
- Area 2 Apryl Yearout & Rachel Saldana
- Area 3 Kelly Lam-Scholten & Robin Latham
- Area 4 Crosby Wilson & Nate McAuliffe
- Area 5 Emily Linkhorn
- Area 6 Sara Allen
- Area 7 Jenna Hickey & Stephanie Kneedler
- Area 8 Kayleen Campbell & Franklin Day
- Area 9 Kristin Schuster & Breanna McGarry
- Area 10 Lore'K Garofola & Mary Bauer
Committee Chairs
Assessment Leayh Abel Communications Alex Franks-Thomas & Mikael Olson Conference/Workshops Arick Branen and Tracy Pennington-Branen Ethics & Prof Practices Michael Kirlin Finance Committee Katherine Blair Government & Public Relations Carrie Suchy & Kate Salveson Mental Health Apryl Yearout & Sara Allen Retention & Recruitment Cassie Mulivrana & Kristin Schuster SCOPE Editor Matthew Liberty Clock Hours Amanda Fleck Awards/Diversity Scholarship Carrie Suchy Social Justice Advocacy Committee Marissa Avalon and Marina Ganotra NASP Delegate Jo Callaghan NASP SPAN Rep Carrie Suchy NWPBIS Liaison Susan Ruby
University Rep - EWU Briley Proctor
University Rep - SU David Fainstein
University Rep - CWU Rich Marsicano University Rep - UW Seattle Kristen Missall University Rep - UW Tacoma Laura Feuerborn & Kathy Beaudoin University Rep - Gonzaga Joseph Engler Student Rep - EWU Cassie Plummer Student Rep - EWU Shelby Moore Student Rep - SU Olivia Seger Student Rep - CWU Maritsa Rodriguez Student Rep - UW Seattle Bella Li Student Rep - UW Tacoma Mark Troisi, Josh Gibson, Tanarra Doss, Jacqlyn Jackson Student Rep - Gonzaga Ridge Bynum